
Group: DynoMotion Message: 3673 From: himykabibble Date: 2/2/2012
Subject: Has My KFlop Just Died?

Yesterday, all was working well. Today, I turned on the machine, and it will jog, and control coolant and spindle just fine. But as soon as I give it any command that goes through the interpreter, it does the move, then hangs - I never get the InterpreterComplete interrupt. Same result with KMotionCNC. When I run all the same software on my backup board, no problems.

Any ideas?

Ray L.
Group: DynoMotion Message: 3675 From: himykabibble Date: 2/2/2012
Subject: Re: Has My KFlop Just Died?
Well, this makes no sense.... I swapped in my backup KFlop, and it worked properly. I swapped the original back in, and it's now working properly. The only conclusion I can reach is a bad connection. But how could a bad connection cause that symptom?? I don't see anything in the I/Os that should have any influence on the interpreter. Disturbing nonetheless, given that the board has only been mounted in the machine for a few weeks.

Ray L.

--- In DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com, "himykabibble" <jagboy@...> wrote:
> Tom,
> Yesterday, all was working well. Today, I turned on the machine, and it will jog, and control coolant and spindle just fine. But as soon as I give it any command that goes through the interpreter, it does the move, then hangs - I never get the InterpreterComplete interrupt. Same result with KMotionCNC. When I run all the same software on my backup board, no problems.
> Any ideas?
> Regards,
> Ray L.
Group: DynoMotion Message: 3676 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 2/2/2012
Subject: Re: Has My KFlop Just Died?
Hi Ray,
I don't know.  It doesn't sound like a hardware problem.  More like a software bug.  Maybe an uninitialized variable.

Group: DynoMotion Message: 3678 From: himykabibble Date: 2/2/2012
Subject: Re: Has My KFlop Just Died?

That's what I would've thought too, but it's still working....

I did just come across a bit of a "gotcha" involving MSG. This sequence:

M03 S4500 (Spindle On CW 4500 RPM)
G04 P5.0000 (Wait For Spindle)
M07 (Mist Coolant On)
G00 Z0.0197
G01 Z-0.0100 F7.00
G01 X6.1040 F30.00
MSG, Turn Blank Over, Slight Left Overhang)

Does not do at all what I expected. Rather than completing the move to X6.1040, it stops half-way there, and the MessageBox pops up. Is there any reasonable way to ensure that last move is finished BEFORE the MessageBox comes up?

Ray L.

--- In DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com, Tom Kerekes <tk@...> wrote:
> Hi Ray,
> I don't know.  It doesn't sound like a hardware problem.  More like a software bug.  Maybe an uninitialized variable.
> Regards
> TK
> From: himykabibble <jagboy@...>
> To: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Thursday, February 2, 2012 11:19 AM
> Subject: [DynoMotion] Re: Has My KFlop Just Died?
> Well, this makes no sense.... I swapped in my backup KFlop, and it worked properly. I swapped the original back in, and it's now working properly. The only conclusion I can reach is a bad connection. But how could a bad connection cause that symptom?? I don't see anything in the I/Os that should have any influence on the interpreter. Disturbing nonetheless, given that the board has only been mounted in the machine for a few weeks.
> Regards,
> Ray L.
> --- In DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com, "himykabibble" <jagboy@> wrote:
> >
> > Tom,
> >
> > Yesterday, all was working well. Today, I turned on the machine, and it will jog, and control coolant and spindle just fine. But as soon as I give it any command that goes through the interpreter, it does the move, then hangs - I never get the InterpreterComplete interrupt. Same result with KMotionCNC. When I run all the same software on my backup board, no problems.
> >
> > Any ideas?
> >
> > Regards,
> > Ray L.
> >
Group: DynoMotion Message: 3680 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 2/2/2012
Subject: Re: Has My KFlop Just Died?
Hi Ray,
Isn't that exactly what you would expect with an uninitialized variable?
I think that is the same issue you brought up before.  There is a fix to flush the Motion Buffer and wait until finished before displaying the MSG in our code base but it isn't released yet.  The workaround is to put a dwell before the MSG.  You could merge the code from the 4.29x pre-release if you want to test to see if it resolves that now.